my goal is to rethink quilting by finding and articulating my own voice. ultimately it is about me, alone in my studio, creating my own process and expressing my preferences in my work.
simple, bold, graphic, impactful,
quilts are life represented. quilts are personal.
I began quilting in 2009 after being exposed to the work of the Gee's Bend quilters and the African American quilting tradition. My heritage is Mennonite and the history of quilting as an art and craft is part of my family history. As I began to explore traditional quilt making I quickly diverged into my own way of making and creating designs that spoke to my modern, minimalist aesthetic and designs that communicated issues I am passionate about. I choose to make quilts to access, understand and become a part of the quilting community and the rich history of quilting. I quilt to share who I am and what I believe through my work and to encourage a wider audience to engage with quits as an artistic medium.
I value and honor the traditions of the quilting community so my quilt work utilizes simple shapes and lines with non-traditional settings, structures and content. I have no desire to remake what has already been done. I rethink quilting through the lenses of simplicity and graphic impact.